Wyoming Republican State Convention Speech

Date: May 31, 2008

Wyoming Republican State Convention Speech

I am grateful to be in Rock Springs today with so many friends and my wonderful
family. Wyoming is truly like no place on earth and God has greatly blessed me by allowing me to live in this amazing State my entire life.

As we gather here today, we face tough challenges that test the resolve and
confidence of the American people.

Americans look to the Republican Party and wonder what we have to offer in
terms of vision and real solutions to very serious problems.

What is the Republican vision for the future?

To keep Wyoming's legacy of strong, conservative, Republican leadership in
Congress, to win the presidency, and to grow our majority in the Wyoming Legislature, we must offer bold solutions based on the sound Republican values of:

Freedom from the oppressive taxation promised by Democrats, and wasteful
government spending;

Responsibility for the moral integrity of our nation including the sanctity of life
and the strengthening of the American family,

Economic Security built through a renewed culture of savings and fiscal

Energy Independence achieved through a portfolio of innovation, conservation,
efficiency and production,

Immigration controls that secure our borders and encourage legal immigration
while cracking down on illegals working in America and lastly,

Security, because a strong national defense is the cornerstone of what keeps
America safe and allows us to be great.

I am dedicated to Republican values and that is why I am running for Congress - I am 100% Republican and I am 100% Wyoming.


Solving problems is what America is all about. We must lead the way to a
dynamic energy future, based not on a lower standard of living as the Democrats would have for us, but based on a diverse fuel portfolio.

In ten years if we have done what our children have every right to expect of us,
we can have a completely restructured energy portfolio.
There will be a role for fossil fuels, but they will have to compete in a
marketplace of tough competitors. Not through subsidies on political fuels like cornbased ethanol, but real market-based solutions, empowering consumers by providing choice among cleaner traditional and alternative sources.

The market will drive the transition to a new energy future. Perhaps it will be hydrogen fuel cells, where natural gas can play a huge role. There are zero emission fuel cell cars on the road in the US today - GM cars, American cars!

It could be wind or solar, where the technology is moving faster than you think.

It could be coal to gas, which burns cleaner than coal. The US military is building a coal to liquids project because they are concerned about fuel as a constraint on their ability to fulfill their mission.

One square mile of Wyoming coal produces the same energy as covering the entire State of Ohio with wind turbines - the role for coal remains strong and we must spur the horse of clean technology, which is why research is so key.

There is a substantial role for Wyoming's uranium in increased nuclear power. We need it all and Wyoming has it all, including the technical know-how to make it happen.

The United States must achieve greater energy independence not only to secure our economy, but to secure our freedom itself.

The Wyoming Legislature is the national leader in creating public policy for carbon sequestration. Wyoming must boldly lead in natural resource development, and demand, absolutely demand, the return of our beautiful Wyoming to its pre-development condition.

America should expand exploration for petroleum in ANWAR and in the Gulf of Mexico.

And lastly, there is a major role for conservation. Responsible use of our resources and fulfilling our stewardship obligations are essential. Conservation is conservative: it is a cherished Republican value, and Republicans must lead the way to a diverse, marketbased, conservative energy future.

Which brings me to my final, and most important point. To restore America's
economic strength, both here and abroad, we must return to our core principles of fiscal conservatism. That is change you can count on!

Taxes are how government controls your life. When Congress takes taxes from you, they have more and you have less. When you have less, your family cuts back - you make tough choices. When Congress has less, they print more money, they raise the national debt, and they sell US treasuries around the world. China has saved over one trillion U.S. dollars while America has become the largest debtor nation in the world - That is unconscionable and that is entirely unacceptable.

My approach is three-fold:
1) Make the tax cuts permanent, and tolerate no new taxes.
2) Fight wasteful spending and government growth; and
3) Establish a culture of saving.

As your Congressman, I will fight pork barrel spending and I will not support earmarks.
I commit myself to fiscal discipline achieved through cutting wasteful spending, saving
mineral royalties to conserve our great American landscapes, and maintaining taxtreatments
that encourage entrepreneurs and small business.

As Wyoming's State Treasurer, I completely diversified Wyoming's investments
into a world model sovereign wealth fund. Today income from state investments
produces $1,200 every year for every person in Wyoming.

Wyoming is a model for Congress, and I want to lead Congress to understand how to unleash Wyoming's strength.

Congress is broken, but America is not. America is its families, its workers, its
courageous soldiers, helping the world to combat terrorists and to preserve for
Americans, safety and security here at home.

This one great nation - the freest on earth - is by the grace of God, ours to
protect. And with God's guidance and our dedication, it shall, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, not perish from the earth.

Thank you Al and Annaliese, thank you Mr. Chairman and Wyoming's Grand
Old Party. May God bless Wyoming and May God Bless America.
