Governor Gives Sine Die Remarks to Legislature

Date: April 30, 2004

April 30, 2004

Good morning.

Together we began this session facing difficult tasks during a difficult time including a significant budget shortfall, a flat economy, and the closing of Great Northern.

In spite of our many challenges, I firmly believe this has been the most productive Legislature in decades. I congratulate you on the work we've accomplished together for the people of Maine. While we did not finish all of our work, the leadership of Speaker of the House Patrick Colwell, President of the Senate Beverly Daggett and Senate Minority Leader Paul Davis and Republican Leader Joseph Bruno and the work of many in this legislature were instrumental in achieving our primary responsibilities:
Set forth an economic plan for the 21st century, ensuring Maine people have access to good paying jobs with benefits,
Balanced the budget without raising taxes,
Preserved and protect Maine's environment,
And provided affordable and accessible healthcare.

We have accomplished numerous initiatives, including:
Balanced a $1.2 billion budget shortfall without raising taxes, and yesterday I signed into law a supplemental budget that restructures Medicaid while protecting Maine's most vulnerable.
Implemented a state budget cap and established a Budget Stabilization Fund that will better help state government to weather economic downturns in the future.
Passed an economic development bond and increased our R & D investment.
Established tax free Pine Tree Zones to attract new business investment.
Fully funded the BETR program while reducing the tax burden on Maine citizens.
Realigned the workers comp system for the first time in over a decade.
Created the Community College System.
Reformed education through the establishment of the EPS model.
Consolidated the two major departments in state government, DHS and BDS, to create a system of human services that is cost effective, high quality and easily navigated.
Established mental health parity to ensure that mental health and physical health have the same coverage.
We will lead the country in providing affordable and accessible health care through the creation of Dirigo Health which will start this summer.

We are also growing our economy through preservation and protection of our natural resources.
Provided support to Maine's small dairy farmers through the new Dairy Stabilization Program.
Established a ban on liquidation harvesting.
Amended Maine's renewable portfolio standard.
Strengthened our ATV laws.

And, among many other accomplishments, we have:
Enhanced Maine's sentencing laws.
Passed strict gambling regulations.
Passed a minimum wage.
Provided collective bargaining rights to certain forest products workers.
Preserved the inheritance rights of domestic partners.

We may not have accomplished everything we wanted to, but you can and should be proud of this record.

I wish the best to all the members and as we reflect upon our achievements I look forward to finishing the important business of tax relief and bonds later this summer.

Thank you.
