Walz: Economic Stimulus Package Will Bring Help to Seniors During Economic Downturn

Press Release

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: March 17, 2008

Today, Congressman Tim Walz met with seniors and elder care providers in Owatonna to discuss the impact of the economic downturn on older citizens and their families, as well as the rising cost of health care.

Walz, who fought to ensure that seniors were included in the economic stimulus package that was signed into law in January, urged seniors to file with the IRS as quickly as possible in order to obtain their rebate checks. The stimulus package was a bipartisan measure designed to jump start the economy and to provide necessary financial assistance to those who need it most. After the passage of the economic stimulus package, Walz was thanked by the AARP for his leadership in helping including seniors in the bill. AARP's letter is attached.

"I fought to include seniors and disabled veterans in the stimulus package and I'm pleased that we were successful," Walz said. "As a result, seniors with $3,000 in qualifying income, which can include their Social Security income, qualify for a rebate and should file with the IRS as soon as possible to expedite their rebate check."

"Seniors devote countless volunteer hours to bettering our communities and they ask for little, other than the economic security to stay in their own homes and a healthcare system that will take care of their needs," Walz said. "Our seniors served our country admirably over their lifetimes and we can best serve them by making sure we address their needs when times get tough."
