Issue Position: The Iraq War

Issue Position

Location: Indianapolis, IN

Issue Position: The Iraq War

We must take immediate steps to end our involvement as quickly as possible in a way that is safe for our troops and doesn't create an even bigger mess in Iraq:

-Immediately begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces, aiming to get our troops out by the end of 2008.

-Establish a timetable with reasonable political goals for the Iraqi Government and push Iraq officials aggressively to achieve those goals.

-Employ a multilateral approach - as we did with the Persian Gulf War - to ensure broad global support for our efforts.

-Continue an aggressive fight against terrorism throughout the world by enlisting our allies and being smart about how and where we apply our own resources.

We never should have launched the war, and we should have waged it more effectively: now we must move to get out troops out safely and make the Iraqis take responsibility for their own affairs.
