Eightmile Wild And Scenic River Act

Floor Speech

By: Tom Cole
By: Tom Cole
Date: July 10, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

EIGHTMILE WILD AND SCENIC RIVER ACT -- (House of Representatives - July 10, 2007)


Mr. COLE of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, some of our Members believe H.R. 986 has significant negative implications on private property in Connecticut. Fuzzy language included in this bill may leave the door open for the Federal Government to use eminent domain to seize private property in this new designation. This is especially concerning because this is the same congressional district where the Kelo v. New Haven case originated. I remind my colleagues that many times the Federal Government uses just the threat of condemnation to frighten private property owners and to intimidate them until they become so-called ``willing sellers.'' We must protect our constituents from this wanton abuse of power by making our intentions clear in this legislation.

Resource Committee Republicans made numerous efforts in both subcommittee and full committee to insert language that would have protected property owners in Connecticut. The language was plain and clear: Congress would not empower the Federal Government to condemn land and pressure owners into selling.

Unfortunately, these efforts were rebuffed by committee Democrats. It is still unclear to our side of the aisle why the majority wants to expose property owners to the threat of eminent domain. The only reasonable conclusion is that they believe the Federal Government should and must confiscate private property.

Because this bill has been brought under suspension of the rules, the minority will not have the opportunity to clean it up before the full House.

I urge my colleagues to oppose the bill and stand up against this and other Kelo-style assaults on private property rights.

Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

