Lamont Discusses Medicare Part D in Hamden

Date: Sept. 19, 2006
Location: Hamden, CT

Lamont Discusses Medicare Part D in Hamden

Lieberman Missing in Action for 90% of Votes on Medicare Reform

(Hamden, September 19, 2006) - Democratic Nominee for US Senate Ned Lamont discussed the disastrous effects of the Medicare Part D "reforms" with seniors at the Whitney Center in Hamden.

Lamont's healthcare plan calls for changes to the Medicare Part D prescription drug program, including allowing the government to negotiate drug prices and closing the financial "donut hole" so that seniors can continue to afford the care they need.

"The seniors of Connecticut and America have spent their lives making this country a better place for the next generation," said Lamont. "The absolute least we can do in return is ensure they have the medications that they need."

"Eighteen years of reaching accross party lines doesn't help our seniors when career politicians shunt them to the back of the line behind the lobbyists," Lamont concluded. "I'm running to change Washington because seniors should always come before special interests."

Senator Lieberman has sent out eight press releases on this issue, but did not show up to do his job. On Medicare Part D he skipped close to a whopping 90% of the votes, only showing up for four out of thirty-eight.

Senator Lieberman is one of the health industry's biggest recipients of campaign contributions and taking more than $1.8 million in his most recent Senate term alone.

September 22nd will mark the day nationwide that the majority of seniors fall into the "donut hole" - a massive gap in coverage for those covered by the program whose annual drug costs are between $2,250 and $5,100. Seven million seniors - including more than 50% of seniors in Connecticut - will fall into Bush's "doughnut hole" trap.

Lamont's health care plan is available at:
