Walberg: Principle Can Defend Conservative Values


Walberg: Principle Can Defend Conservative Values

Michigan's economy is struggling, the institution of marriage is under attack, our nation is unnecessarily dependent on foreign oil imports and our borders are not secure. These issues are critical to our community and nation, and 7th District residents deserve a Congressman who will stand for important principles and defend our conservative values.

If given the opportunity to represent you in Congress, I will work to improve our economy, defend traditional marriage, expand domestic energy exploration, and secure our nation's borders. My opponent Congressman Joe Schwarz and I differ on these important issues.

To improve our economy, I will work to permanently extend and expand President Bush's tax cuts. His tax relief program has created millions of jobs, generated trillions of dollars of wealth, and expanded economic opportunities. Unlike many politicians, I understand that tax relief, not more government spending, increases economic growth, creates jobs, and raises incomes. Beyond cutting taxes, I will also vote to restrain government spending. Pork-barrel projects and excessive government spending only reduces the resources available to our families, businesses and non-profit organizations. Unfortunately, Congressman Schwarz voted against balancing the budget by 2011 [Roll Call Vote 156, 5-18-06], but voted for specific pork projects like $180,000 for an Ohio State University Hydroponic Tomato Program [Roll Call Vote 191, 5-23-06] and $229,000 for an Iowa Dairy Education program that encourages dairy families to move to Northeast Iowa [Roll Call Vote 190, 5-23-06].

The institution of marriage is under assault by activist judges and liberal political groups who seek to redefine marriage. In 2005, a federal judge overturned a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage passed by 70 percent of Nebraska voters. Liberal groups are actively promoting "civil" marriage and "marriage equality." I stand with President Bush in supporting the Marriage Amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Sadly, Congressman Schwarz was the only Michigan Republican Congressman to vote against the Marriage Amendment [Roll Call Vote 378, 7-19-06].

America is unnecessarily dependent on Middle East oil imports. I support developing alternative fuels and drilling for oil in places like Alaska. As U.S. Energy Secretary Sam Bodman said, "Had President Clinton not vetoed the ANWR drilling bill in 1995, we would have at least an additional 1 million barrels a day of domestic oil production ... today." We cannot continue to remain dependent the Middle East for our oil supplies; we must develop our domestic sources of energy. Congressman Schwarz voted against drilling for oil in Alaska [Roll Call Vote 209, 5-25-06].

We have a duty to secure our borders and not reward illegal immigration. The U.S. Senate immigration bill grants amnesty to illegal immigrants, gives illegal immigrants a two-year tax holiday, and allows illegal immigrants to receive Social Security benefits. This approach is encourages disregard for our laws and threatens the security of our citizens. Congressman Schwarz told the Battle Creek Enquirer he supports the Senate approach [Battle Creek Enquirer, 5-29-06].

Republican voters have a clear choice between Congressman Schwarz and myself. For 16 years in the Michigan House, I gained a reputation as a voice for less government spending, lower taxes, and fewer regulations, and a compassionate voice for the culture of life and traditional values. My conservative record and agenda for reform has gained me the endorsement of the National and Michigan Right to Life PACs, National Taxpayers Union, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, Associated Builders and Contractors, Citizens for Traditional Values, and Gun Owners of America. While these endorsements are important, you, the voter, will determine on Aug. 8 whether Congressman Schwarz or I best represent your principles and ideals.

As Ronald Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Together we can pass the best of America to our children.

