Congressman Cole Helps Sustain Presidential Veto

By: Tom Cole
By: Tom Cole
Date: July 19, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Cole Helps Sustain Presidential Veto

Congressman Tom Cole released the following statement after voting against overruling the presidential veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 (H.R. 810). The vote to override the veto on H.R. 810 failed to garner the two-third majority necessary to pass in the House.

"President Bush has done more than any president to advance the efforts of stem cell research and has been very diligent in distinguishing the line between ethical and ethically debatable research. I believe he has made the right decision in vetoing this bill," Congressman Cole said.

"While there is a great deal of speculation in the scientific community about the potential of embryonic stem cell research, there is no evidence that these claims are justified. There are many other alternatives that have proven to be just as beneficial, including research on stem cells drawn from umbilical cords and stem cell lines derived from embryos that have already been destroyed. Also, last night I voted for legislation that would have authorized funding for the development of cells with the abilities of embryonic cells without destroying human embryos," Congressman Cole said. "These options represent a balanced solution, stressing the need for scientific advancement while upholding the dignity of human life."

"While I don't personally approve of the type of research addressed in this legislation, it is important to note that H.R. 810 does in no way prevent privately sponsored embryonic stem cell research. However, I think it is irresponsible to commit billions of taxpayer dollars to an enterprise that tens of millions of Americans find morally objectionable. "
