Burns' Reaction To The President's State Of The Union Address

Date: Jan. 31, 2006
Location: Savannah, GA

January-31, 2006

Burns' Reaction To The President's State Of The Union Address

(SAVANNAH, GA) - Max Burns, running to represent Georgia's New 12th District, issued the following statement in reaction to President Bush's State of the Union Address this evening:

"The President gave a positive, upbeat speech this evening talking about how we can work together to accomplish big things for the American people. I was pleased he spoke of the growing, strong economy and how the tax cuts passed early in his administration helped America down the road to economic recovery. I agree with the President and support making his 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, just like I supported his tax cut in 2003.

"I was also glad to see the President discuss how important it is for Congress to be wise in spending the people's money. As I've traveled the new 12th District, I've said Congress must exercise restraint when opening the federal wallet or we'll be left with the budget deficits that now plague our nation for generations to come. Tomorrow, Congress has the opportunity to practice disciplined and responsible spending of taxpayer dollars by passing a deficit reduction bill. I hope Congress will put the President's words into action and pass this effort to cut spending in a bloated, federal budget. I support reining in the growth of government to slow spending. I support a line item veto to eliminate the wasteful spending that Congress is so efficient in producing. And I support a balanced budget amendment so Congress will be forced to live within its means.

"The President is correct when he said America must ‘seek the end of tyranny in our world… the future security of America depends on it.' I support staying on the offensive in the War on Terror, taking the battle directly to the terrorist instead of waiting for them to attack again on American soil. In the last few days and weeks, al Qaeda's calls for a truce shows America is defeating the terrorist organization and winning the war. It is vital that the United States and coalition forces finish the job in Iraq and Afghanistan and rid the world of terrorism once and for all.

"It's good to hear the President understands that America faces many extraordinary challenges in health care, education and energy dependence. I support his efforts to reducing rising health care cost through expanded health savings accounts (HSAs) and association health plans (AHPs), his goal to ensure that our children are prepared for the jobs of the 21st century by increasing standards in math and sciences, and his objective to lessen America's dependence on foreign oil by promoting and advancing new technologies to reduce dependence."


