A Safer, Secure America

A Safer, Secure America

The terrorist attacks of September 11th struck at the very core of our nation and made us realize that there is nothing more important than the security of the American people. While the United States military is hunting down and destroying the global terror networks that threaten our freedoms, Congress must continue supporting our troops and remain committed to finishing the job in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since those attacks, the United States has enacted many reforms, at home and abroad, to secure our homeland, but unfortunately we've failed to meet the challenge in dealing with the illegal immigration crisis.

* Support The Troops And Continue To Win The War On Terror. Our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan have done a great job and continue to do a great job under very, very difficult circumstances. Their successes have the terrorist running scared and Osama Bin Laden's truce "with fair conditions" proves America is winning. It is extremely important to the security of our nation that the United States and coalition forces finish the job in Iraq and Afghanistan so that the world may be rid of terrorism. It is unconscionable for some to suggest that our troops quit the fight and withdraw from Iraq. That would amount to nothing more than surrendering to the terrorist - that is not an option. To pick up and retreat is exactly what the terrorists want us to do. The United States will not let up, we will defeat our enemies and Congress must stand behind the men and women of America's military until they finish the job and come home.

* Immigration Reforms To Secure Our Borders. America must solve the illegal immigration problem. We have an obligation to protect our borders and ensure the safety of our citizens. America must immediately deport illegal immigrants who are criminals, restrict government benefits for illegal aliens and substantially increase the penalties for committing document and benefit fraud. We will not be secure until Congress secures our borders and the administration enforces our current laws. Then, we must create an effective, legal guest worker program that does not include amnesty in any form. Finally, we must send illegal immigrants back to their home countries and allow them to apply for legal access to our country through the guest worker program.

