N.H. Delegation Applauds Swift Approval Of State's Request For Amended Declaration Of Major Disaster To Cover Puclic Infrastructure Damage

Date: June 1, 2006
Location: Washington, DC


U.S. Senators Judd Gregg, John Sununu (R-NH) and Congressmen Charles Bass and Jeb Bradley (R-NH) today applauded President Bush for granting approval to the State of New Hampshire's request for an amended declaration of a major disaster to aid in covering the costs of infrastructure damage.

The amended declaration will allow the state, local governments and certain non-profit organizations to apply for federal assistance for emergency work and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged public facilities under FEMA's Public Assistance Program. These facilities may include roads, bridges, sewage treatment plants, schools and utility facilities. More information about FEMA's Public Assistance Program can be obtained at http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/pa/index.shtm.

Senator Gregg stated, "The effects of the recent flooding were felt throughout large portions of the Granite State, and greatly affected many roads and bridges. As towns and communities continue to clean up, the quick and highly professional response from state and federal agencies and the overwhelming commitment to rebuild from local officials has been essential. I applaud President Bush for his help in expediting the initial declaration of New Hampshire as a disaster area as well as the amended declaration to include the public infrastructure in our state that sustained flood damage."

Senator Sununu stated, "As communities across the state continue to recover from last month's historic flooding, it is clear that a comprehensive response is needed to repair public infrastructure. Approving municipalities and the state to apply for funds through FEMA's Public Assistance Grant Program is an important part of the ongoing effort to restore bridges, roads and other property. As that process continues, I remain in contact with local, state and federal officials to ensure that New Hampshire residents and communities receive the help they need."

Congressman Bass stated, "Our communities suffered substantial and costly damage to the public infrastructure during the recent flooding, which could cause considerable financial hardship to restore fully. I once again thank President Bush for his immediate action in approving federal aid to assist in this recovery process."

Congressman Bradley stated, "Hundreds of roads and bridges were damaged during the heavy rains and flooding of May. I have seen the extent of the damage in many communities, and I know that federal assistance will be vital in aiding towns and cities with the cost of repairs to public infrastructure. I applaud President Bush for approving this amended declaration in a speedy manner."

