Issues in Nicaragua

Floor Speech

Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MOORE of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, American citizens from Alabama and Texas and their Nicaraguan partners have made it their mission to spread the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nicaraguan people for nearly 30 years.

Evangelists with Mountain Gateway Ministries have worked across the country, leading on disaster recovery and feeding, clothing, and planting churches with the support and assistance of the Nicaraguan government.

In January, however, the Attorney General of Nicaragua began pursuing charges against three U.S. citizens associated with Mountain Gateway and 11 Mountain Gateway Nicaraguan pastors on trumped-up charges of money laundering and organized crime.

In addition to being barred from meeting with their legal representation and their families, the lawyers on their case were denied access to the case files and to other relevant documentation against the pastors.

During the sham trial, the government was unable to produce evidence of the alleged illicit activity. Despite this, the 11 pastors have been sentenced to up to 15 years in prison and a combined $1 billion in fines.

These pastors were working to bless the people of Nicaragua, and now they have been thrown in prison, and all their property has been seized.

These sentences leave families without income and children without mothers and fathers simply for sharing the good news of Jesus. I am deeply concerned that these citizens and pastors were targeted for sharing their faith.

Matthew 5:10 says: Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

I recently introduced a resolution, H. Res. 1019, condemning the Nicaraguan government for unjust imprisonment of these people, and I hope my colleagues will join in support.

I am praying for a swift resolution to this situation so these pastors can be safely returned to their families and continue sharing the Gospel.

I am grateful to the Members of Congress who joined me for this Special Order to highlight this issue and call on the Nicaraguan government to release the imprisoned pastors immediately.

I yield to the gentleman from Alabama (Mr. Aderholt), one of my first cosponsors of H. Res. 1019.

Mr. MOORE of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, previously our colleagues across the aisle were talking about hope and mental health in America.

I think in Nicaragua, these ministries and certainly these missionaries were impacting people's lives and bringing them hope. It is just a shame what has happened to them.



Mr. MOORE of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate Ms. Hageman speaking tonight on that. I certainly want to encourage everybody to get on this resolution, H. Res. 1019, to help free these folks and bring attention to this issue.

