Israel Security Assistance Support Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. SELF. Mr. Speaker, as a special operator in the United States Army, our commitment to each other was to leave no man behind. Our Commander in Chief does not hold to that doctrine.

President Biden has not only turned his back on our ally Israel, but he has also abandoned the Americans still being held hostage by Hamas.

My fellow Americans, this used to mean something. U.S. citizens have been held by terrorists for over 220 days, very reminiscent of the waning days of the Democratic Carter administration when American hostages were left in Iran for 444 days. They were released just minutes after President Reagan took the oath of office.

I pray the hostages in Gaza will not suffer at the hands of Hamas for another 224 days. We don't even hear the Biden administration mentioning American hostages.

Make no mistake, President Biden is aiding and abetting Hamas terrorists instead of supporting Israel.

I can just imagine the terrorists playing an endless loop of Democrat sound bites to the hostages, saying your President is on our side, with headlines like: ``Biden Just Betrayed Israel--and Rewarded Hamas,'' ``U.S. withholding `sensitive intelligence' on Hamas from Israel,'' ``Biden Admin Wants Israeli Forces To `Get Out Of Gaza,''' and ``Pentagon chief confirms U.S. pause on weapons shipment to Israel.''

While our Commander in Chief signals weakness to the world and support to terrorists, I am here to send a message to those being held hostage: You are not forgotten. Congress must fight to get you out in spite of obstacles put in place by Democrats and terrorists.

Mr. Speaker, we must support Israel's right to eradicate Hamas, and we must bring our hostages home immediately.

