Providing for Consideration of H.R. Israel Security Assistance Support Act; Providing for Consideration of H.R. D.C. Criminal Reforms to Immediately Make Everyone Safe Act of Providing for Consideration of H.R. Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act; Providing for Consideration of H.R. Police Our Border Act; Providing for Consideration of H.R. Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act of Providing for Consideration of H.R. Leosa Reform Act; Providing for Consideration of H. Res. Resolution Regarding Violence Against Law Enforcement Officers; and Providing for Consideration of H. Res. Condemning the Biden Border Crisis and the Tremendous Burdens Law Enforcement Officers Face As A Result

Floor Speech

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I thank my friend from New York for yielding, and I thank him for leading this discussion on behalf of the Rules Committee today.

I wanted to come down and speak in support of the rule, and I want to speak in support of the underlying bills.

We do honor National Police Week. Republicans are advancing seven pieces of legislation to reaffirm their commitment to our Nation's law enforcement. Yet, again, we are seeing our colleagues misrepresenting the legislation that really should be bipartisan.

Every single day, Madam Speaker, thousands of men and women in blue put their lives on the line to protect their communities and keep We the People safe.

Last year, in fact, more than 370 law enforcement officers were shot in the line of duty, the highest year on record.

Law enforcement officers and their departments are under increased scrutiny from the public, all the while trying to navigate a crisis at our southern border, a historic upsurge in crime, and an unfortunate rise in drug-related deaths throughout the country.

It is no surprise then, Madam Speaker, that the police departments across the country have had trouble recruiting and retaining officers and keeping new officer candidates.

This week, started by President Kennedy in 1962, is set aside to commemorate and honor all of the officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. I am grateful to north Texas law enforcement officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice this year and for those who are currently serving.

In honor of this week, I encourage everyone to reach out and thank their local law enforcement officers and their families for their service and for their sacrifice.

Madam Speaker, I also wanted to express my support for the Israel Security Assistance Support Act. Amid the Biden administration's pause on munitions shipments to Israel, it is imperative for the United States, for this House, and for Republicans and Democrats, to stand behind Israel.

Last week, President Biden and his administration paused vital defense articles from shipment to Israel. This action will have the effect of not only prolonging the conflict, but it is an unfortunate disregard of the legislative process of our powers granted under Article I of the Constitution. The idea that the President can ignore bipartisan, bicameral legislation that he signed into law is a new predicament entirely.

H.R. 8369 provides for the assured timely delivery of defense services and articles to Israel and condemns the Biden administration for their efforts to condition aid to an ally.

After the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Madam Speaker, maintaining our commitment to a formal ally is extremely necessary and important. Israel is defending itself against a regional threat. It is defending itself against a known terrorist organization, one that hides behind its own people.

Israel must have the resources it needs to combat Hamas and any other entity that seeks to destroy civil rights and civil liberties.

It is for this reason that the United States will continue to stand by our allies in their time of need.

Madam Speaker, I urge Members to support the underlying bill, and I urge support for the rule.

