Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Chair, I applaud Congressman Van Drew and his leadership on this issue and am proud to support his legislation to detain illegal immigrants who assault law enforcement.

My amendment is really straightforward and I believe in line with the goals of the underlying bill.

My amendment simply ensures that campus police officers and school resource officers are considered law enforcement officers for the purpose of the bill's provisions.

In light of the increase in violent protests on college campuses, it is especially important that we show these brave campus police officers that we have their back.

Under President Biden's watch, nearly 4.7 million illegals have been released, and more than 1.8 million known illegal alien got-aways have escaped into the United States.

In South Carolina alone, we have over 175,000 illegal aliens in my home State. These include dangerous individuals who violate our laws and then assault the law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to protect our communities.

It is imperative that we fight back against the Biden administration's radical open-borders policy by mandating immigration detention for illegal aliens who assault law enforcement officers.

I urge my colleagues to support my amendment to explicitly ensure that our hardworking campus police officers and resource officers are afforded the same protections as other law enforcement officers under this legislation.


Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Chair, I think we have all seen the college campuses. The protests that you are talking about, many include breaking windows, knocking down doors. That is not protest. That is destruction of property. This has no place on the college campuses. To have the presidents and the tenured professors be quiet on this and to have students scared to go to class and to cancel exams, that is not what they paid money for. That is not what the taxpayers deserve.

This is very simple. If you are a resource officer, your job is to protect the students and the facilities. If you are in law enforcement on the campuses hired by the individual school, you are there to protect the campus and protect the students.

I am sick and tired of these liberals who keep saying peaceful protest. It is like the 50 cities that were burned a couple of years ago. That was not a peaceful protest. That is destruction of property and that has consequences.

All we are saying is: Give these officers the protection that law enforcement has. It shouldn't even have to be said for me to have to bring this amendment. It is a shame that we have reached this point in this country that we are having to define what a resource officer is.

I would ask all those who may be questioning this, you go out and volunteer to be a resource officer or sign up to be a resource officer. You go out and sign up to protect the campus, and let's see how the tables will turn.

