Gregg, Sununu, Bass, Bradley Announce $1.5 Million in Weatherization Grants for New Hampshire

Date: April 3, 2006
Location: Washington, DC


(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senators Judd Gregg and John Sununu (R-NH) and Congressmen Charles Bass and Jeb Bradley (R-NH) today announced that the State of New Hampshire will receive $1.5 million in weatherization grants from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The funds will allow the state to make energy efficiency improvements to the homes of low-income families, reducing overall energy costs. These improvements may include adding proper insulation, reducing air infiltration and servicing heating and cooling systems. According to DOE, weatherization, on average, reduces one's heating bills by 31 percent and overall energy bills by $274 per year.

"Weatherizing one's home is a very effective method of reducing energy costs. Not only does weatherization save money in the long run, it increases the property value of the home and reduces the risk of fire," stated Gregg, Sununu, Bass and Bradley. "The $1.5 million for New Hampshire will allow many families and senior citizens to make improvements to their homes in preparation for next winter."

Amy Ignatius, Director of the N.H. Office of Energy and Planning, stated, "We are very pleased with this new round of funding. One of the best ways to offset high energy prices is to make homes more energy efficient. New Hampshire will leverage these funds to weatherize more than a thousand low-income homes, and up to 300 of these homes will benefit from furnaces repairs or replacements. The families that live in these homes will enjoy significantly lower energy costs - up to 25% savings in some cases - and will be able to heat their homes efficiently and safely."

Today's announcement comes on the heels of $8.3 million that the State recently received under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides fuel assistance for low-income families. During Fiscal Year 2006, New Hampshire received a total of $24.76 million in both formula funding and emergency funding for LIHEAP.
