Don't Cut Snap Benefits

Floor Speech

Date: May 7, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. McGOVERN. Madam Speaker, in an effort to appease the MAGA wing of their party, Republicans are insisting on a $30 billion cut to SNAP benefits as part of the long overdue farm bill reauthorization.

SNAP benefits put food on the table for over 40 million Americans every single day. Investing in SNAP improves health outcomes for participants, lowers healthcare costs, supports farmers who grow our food, and boosts our local economies.

The provision Republicans are targeting for deep cuts has given SNAP recipients an extra $1.40 per person per day to afford nutritious food amid rising food costs. By preventing USDA from making scientifically based benefit updates in the future, Republicans are taking food away from children, seniors, vulnerable adults, and people with disabilities.

It is a rotten thing to do. It is a stupid thing to do, and it means their bill has no chance of gaining the bipartisan support it would need to pass on the House floor.

I beg my Republican colleagues, drop the partisan attack on SNAP and work with Democrats to advance a farm bill that supports our local farmers, continues investments in conservation efforts, and reduces hunger.

