Recognizing National Sock Out Cancer Day

Floor Speech

Date: May 7, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MOLINARO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize National Sock Out Cancer Day, which will take place on June 2.

Cancer affects millions of families from all walks of life, and Sock Out Cancer Day reminds us that we are all alike in facing this formidable foe.

The Sock Out Cancer organization has captured this message by selling pairs of multicolored socks which symbolize over 25 different forms of cancer.

With the proceeds, the organization has helped survivors and families pay for food, transportation, and housing so they can focus their energy on healing and recovery.

Mr. Speaker, Sock Out Cancer has become a beacon of hope for those facing the fight of their lives. I ask that my colleagues in the House join me in recognizing this June 2 as National Sock Out Cancer Day.

