Senator Murray Statement on Biden Admin Strengthening Privacy Regulations to Safeguard Abortion Data

Press Release

Date: April 22, 2024
Location: Washington D.C.

“Women who seek reproductive health care, and the doctors who provide that care, should never be treated as criminals—but Republican lawmakers and prosecutors in state after state have made clear that they want to punish and jail women and their doctors over what is often lifesaving abortion care. By strengthening privacy regulations under HIPAA, the Biden administration is taking an important step toward protecting women and doctors.

The American people should take Republicans at their word: Donald Trump has literally said he believed women should be ‘punished’ over abortion care, and Republican elected officials across the country have actively sought to imprison and criminalize women and their doctors. While Republicans look to punish women for basic reproductive health care, Democrats will keep fighting alongside President Biden to restore Roe and the right to abortion nationwide. And we will do everything we can in the meantime to protect women and health care providers from Republican officials who seek to punish them for obtaining or providing legal abortion care.”
