21st Century Peace Through Strength Act

Floor Speech

Date: April 20, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Madam Chair, I rise in opposition to H.R. 8038 and today's vote to fund Benjamin Netanyahu's war in Gaza.

All of us have seen the tragedy of Gaza. We have seen how Prime Minister Netanyahu's government has used American weapons to kill indiscriminately and to force famine, with over 25,000 women and children dead and tens of thousands of missiles and bombs levied on innocent civilians.

We cannot escape what we see before us every day. That is the blessing of today's technology--TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, all of it. When we see it, we have to decide what we are going to do about it. Are we going to participate in that carnage or not? I choose not to.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has been reckless. His actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. He has ignored the pleas of the families of hostages. He has ignored the pleas of the President of the United States. He has ignored his own people. He has engaged in self-preservation.

We should not be sending offensive weapons to Israel right now, and I hope that this body will not.

