Condemning Iran's Unprecedented Drone and Missile Attack on Israel

Floor Speech

By: Al Green
By: Al Green
Date: April 19, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, and still I rise, supporting the overall intent of H. Res. 1143, condemning Iran's unprecedented drone and missile attack on Israel.

However, while supporting much of the intentions of this resolution, I believe that it is imperative to make clear that, as this resolution affirms Israel's right to ``respond to this aggression through military, diplomatic, economic, and other necessary means,'' I do not intend my vote in favor of the resolution to be taken as an endorsement of any military action Prime Minister Netanyahu might take in response. We stand at a dangerous time for the region, and any response to Iran's attack should be measured with the goal of achieving lasting regional peace.

In advancing this resolution, let us not forget our steadfast, ironclad dedication to upholding international peace.

