Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act

Floor Speech

Date: April 17, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. D'ESPOSITO. Mr. Chair, I rise this morning in strong opposition to H.R. 4639, the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act.

Like my good friend, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Rutherford) said, you cannot arrest a suspect without probable cause.

The information that is no longer going to be obtained by law enforcement agencies is information that has already been legally collected. Nearly every major law enforcement union and agency throughout this country is opposed to this legislation.

I was proud to serve in the City of New York Police Department as a detective. It has investigated thousands of crimes, and we have utilized these third-party platforms to obtain information that has already been legally collected.

This legislation would, without a doubt, make communities less safe and, in the process, would also lead us to follow in the same disastrous direction that New York Democrats have by handcuffing the ability of law enforcement to do their jobs.

