Urging the European Union to Expeditiously Designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps As A Terrorist Organization Under Common Position and for Other Purposes

Floor Speech

Date: April 16, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MEEKS. Madam Speaker, the United States designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or the IRGC, as a foreign terrorist organization, an FTO, in April 2019 because of its record of terrorism, violation of the laws of armed conflict, assassination attempts, and significant support for regional terrorist groups. Our designation has helped limit the IRGC's ability to access the United States' markets.

Unfortunately, EU markets, absent a similar terror designation, remain viable sources of IRGC income.

The IRGC clearly represents a threat to both American and European security. We must join forces to limit the IRGC's access to capital. It is long past time for the EU to act, as a combination of U.S. and EU designations would have a major impact and will help save lives.

This resolution calls on the EU to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran as an addition to the EU terror list. Amidst IRGC's ongoing support of Russian war crimes in Ukraine, EU's reluctance risks emboldening the Iranian Government's goal of sowing terror and chaos in the West.

The IRGC clearly presents a threat to the EU and our collective security. It is long past time to cut off its resources and hold Iran accountable. Working together, we can contain and diminish Iranian terrorism and make the world safer for Americans and Europeans alike.

Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam Speaker, I yield such time as she may consume to the gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Tenney), a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the author of this resolution.


Mr. MEEKS. Madam Speaker, once again, it is overdue for the EU to designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity. They are nothing but that. By shutting the IRGC out of both the American and European markets, we will be starving them of important resources of funding they rely on to conduct their terrorist and other destabilizing activities.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting H. Res. 288, and I yield back the balance of my time.

Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.

Madam Speaker, we must continue to do all we can to address the threat posed by Iran. The IRGC has for decades played a direct role in threatening the European Union and its citizens.

Given its increasing reach, most recently with its murderous support of war criminal Putin's invasion of Ukraine, it is imperative that no stone is left unturned. We must work together to cut off Iran's ability to fuel terrorism on a global scale, and that must include designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Madam Speaker, I thank, in particular, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney for developing this resolution and her extraordinary efforts in a bipartisan manner to do research on the IRGC that should be very informative to the American people and be a message to even the people of Iran how the oppression of the people of Iran actually has consequences, sadly, around the world. Congresswoman Tenney effectively promotes the safety and security of American and European families.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join me in support of this resolution calling on the European Union to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization, and I yield back the balance of my time.

