Recognizing Stan Lyford's 50 Years with Portsmouth High School's Track Program

Floor Speech

Date: April 11, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in recognition of Stan Lyford's more than fifty years of outstanding contributions to the Portsmouth High School Track Program. Since 1975, Stan has been a committed coach and mentor for the Portsmouth High School girls track and cross-country teams where he works to motivate his athletes to succeed not just on the track, but also in their academic and personal lives. With a lifelong passion for giving back to his community and ensuring that every student can succeed, Stan embodies the value of service above self and has had an immeasurable effect on strengthening the Portsmouth community.

In addition to his profound impact on the Portsmouth High School Track Program, Stan was also a math teacher at Portsmouth High School where he worked to engage with students and equip them to reach their highest academic potential. Although he retired from teaching in 2007, his continued role as head coach showcases his lifelong commitment to his students.

On behalf of New Hampshire's First District, I commend Stan for reaching this remarkable fifty-year milestone in his continued service to his community. The amount of trust placed in Stan for over half a century is a testament to his efficacy and compassion as a teacher, coach, and leader. I look forward to seeing what he will continue to achieve as he carries on his commitment to the Portsmouth Track Program.

