Braun, Baldwin lead bipartisan bill to ease barriers to farmland ownership for next generation

Press Release

Date: March 22, 2024
Location: Washington, D.C.


“America’s food security is national security. With one in three farmers preparing to retire in the next decade, we cannot afford to stand back and watch as the nation’s agricultural industry reaches a tipping point without a plan to feed the future. This is a big priority for Hoosier farmers and families, which is why I released our Aging Farmers report in October. A lot of farms are going to go up for sale and we need to make sure that America isn’t bought up acre by acre by foreign competitors. To ensure America’s future in agriculture we must proactively attract and retain farmers, increase agriculture innovation, and streamline regulations and protect domestic agriculture. I’m proud to lead this bipartisan bill with Sen. Baldwin because we need to make it easier for folks to get into farming and encourage family farms to go from generation to generation.”

