Native American Entrepreneurial Opportunity Act

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 28, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding me time.

Mr. Speaker, I am proud to co-introduce this legislation to officially establish the Office of Native American Affairs at the Small Business Administration, and I thank Representative Davids for her leadership on this issue.

Mr. Speaker, I am proud to represent over half of Arizona's Tribes. Something I hear often is there is a need for economic growth and opportunity.

Tribal entrepreneurs who run businesses on reservations face complex hurdles when it comes to understanding tax implications, property rights, regulatory burdens, and lending. Tribal entrepreneurs should have the ability to access SBA's programs just like anyone else, but in reality, these communities do not experience adequate access or outreach.

Most importantly, they need specialized expertise to assist them in navigating the unique complexities of running a business on a reservation--complexities mostly created by us, the Federal Government.

Economic development in our Tribal communities is crucial. I am hopeful that establishing the Office of Native American Affairs into statute will bring attention to resources the Small Business Administration can provide to Tribal businessowners and encourage the office to continue developing new methods for outreach to ensure that Tribal businesses are not overlooked. This bill would also ensure that Congress can practice proper oversight of the office's activities and effectiveness going forward.

I encourage representatives from this office to come out and visit Tribal communities in my district and begin a dialogue with small business owners who may be unaware that this office even exists. Doing so will allow the Office of Native American Affairs to adjust and enhance their programs so they can best serve Tribal small business owners.

