Closure of the St. Croix Avis

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 1, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. PLASKETT. Today, I honor the St. Croix Avis, our cherished newspaper, as it has concluded a remarkable 180-year journey leaving a legacy that is both historic and deeply rooted in our community.

Established in 1844, the St. Croix Avis was a beacon of enlightenment. It laid the foundation for a literate Black population. The paper was Black owned and Black run, and symbolized not only the dissemination of information but also the affirmation of the dignity of voicing an opinion.

Over the decades, the Avis has been more than a witness to history, it has been its scribe. From the era of chattel slavery to modern challenges, it has chronicled our evolution as a people and served as an invaluable source of information and engagement in our community.

Let us remember the St. Croix Avis for the history it helped write and for the critical role it played in our community's growth and development.

I thank Rena and her Dad, Mr. Brodhurst, and the previous owners. It will forever remain a cherished chapter in the story of the Virgin Islands and an enduring symbol of our Virgin Islands dignity and pride.

