Granger Remarks During Floor Consideration of H.R. 2872, The Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act

Floor Speech

"Ms. Speaker, I rise today in support of this short-term continuing resolution.

While we have made progress in our efforts to finish Fiscal Year 2024 bills, Congress has much more work to do.

More time is needed to negotiate bills both sides can support.

The House and Senate took very different approaches to this year’s bills, and finding common ground will not be easy.

But now that the Speaker has negotiated a topline, we can move forward.

I want to be clear: as we begin to conference these bills, House Republicans are committed to fighting for meaningful policy changes.

I thank the Speaker for his reasonable plan to keep the government open and give Congress more time to negotiate.

I urge my colleagues to support this CR, and I reserve the balance of my time."
