Senator Murray Statement Following All-Senators Meeting with President Zelenskyy


Date: Dec. 12, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"There's no doubt that delaying aid to Ukraine is a gift to Putin and his army as they continue to wage a brutal invasion of Ukraine--and that failing to renew aid altogether may well allow Putin to win the war and extinguish a sovereign democracy and U.S. ally.

The question that should be weighing on every Senator right now is: will the United States stand with our allies and stand up to despots--or will we abandon our friends and send a truly dangerous message that dictators can wait out the United States and trample over any nation as they please?

Resources for our allies in the face of a brutal invasion shouldn't be conditioned on unrelated partisan demands. We cannot retreat from the world or abandon our friends. At this critical time, I will keep pushing to make sure Congress gets aid to Ukraine across the finish line before the end of this year."
