Ranking Member Cassidy Criticizes "Unfinished and Haphazardly Drafted" Primary Care Reauthorization Bill


Date: Sept. 14, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"For months, we attempted to hold good faith negotiations with the majority on this reauthorization. First, the Committee was offered a deeply partisan bill that failed before its canceled markup. Now, days before programs expire, a new unfinished and haphazardly drafted proposal was offered to be voted on within a week. The new bill lacks full Hyde protections and drastically increases spending without a plan to pay for it.

Responsible legislation, which passed unanimously out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has been introduced in the Senate and is endorsed by community health centers. We should be marking up that legislation that can actually pass rather than wasting time on something which everyone can see will not be signed into law."
