Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act of 2023

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 6, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. FULCHER. Mr. Speaker, the EPA is forcing electric vehicles upon Americans by using a tailpipe emissions rule designed to phase out vehicles with internal combustion engines. In so doing, the EPA imposes an unwise restrictive policy and eliminates consumer choice.

The Clean Air Act directs the EPA to reduce pollutant emissions from vehicles themselves; however, electric vehicles are entirely separate products. They are not emission-controlled devices like catalytic converters in combustion engine cars.

By setting emission standards at a stringent rate, the EPA is essentially mandating substitution of a different product to comply with tailpipe standards.

This goes beyond existing authority and tries to circumvent congressional powers, and that is illegal.

Instead of ripping away consumer choice, the EPA should do its job and stop enforcing irrelevant rules to meet political objectives. Those in favor of the EPA's rules here use the term ``sound science.'' Well, cutting off vehicles that have shown tremendous improvements in efficiency with less emissions is denying scientific gains.

What would actually help Americans is driving lower fuel prices through domestic production with reliable baseload energy sources like nuclear, hydro, geothermal, natural gas, and clean burning coal.

We need to stop attempting to control what vehicle drivers can purchase and instead focus on what the people elected them to do.

Mr. Speaker, we need to protect people's rights and choices, and pass H.R. 4468, the CARS Act.

