Congressional Delegation Visits Palau Showing Strength, Deterring PRC Influence and Supporting Maritime Security in Native Waters


Date: Aug. 26, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"America and the Republic of Palau have a historic relationship through the Compacts of Free Association. This nation holds an important place in America's historic consciousness through the sacrifices made here by Americans and Palauans in WWII. Because of our important and valued relationship with Palau, the Indo-Pacific region and the world are made safer from the threats of the People's Republic of China. While visiting the capital, we crossed paths with delegations from Taiwan and Japan which only serves to underscore the commitment the United States and our allies are making in the region. We traveled to Palau as close partners in the Pacific, but we leave as close friends. I'd like to thank His Excellency President Surangel Whipps Jr. for hosting us on this historic trip, and I'm confident U.S.-Palauan relations will only grow stronger in the years to come."
