GAO Responds to Lawmakers Request Letter for Study on Inequitable Justice System Facing Tribal Nations

Press Release

Date: July 19, 2023
Location: Washington, DC

"For over 70 years, PL-280 has led to under-resourcing and extraneous jurisdictional red tape that puts the safety of tribes at risk and fuels the MMIP crisis. It's time we take a serious look at this law and rectify the damage it has caused to tribal communities. I'm glad the Governmental Accountability Office heeded our call to finally review this broken system. It's the first step in what will be a long -- but necessary -- journey to resolve this deeply rooted injustice and its subsequent impacts. I also want to thank the Yurok Tribe in my district for their resolute leadership to bring an end to not only this malpractice, but the many injustices tribes endure country wide."
