Governor Gordon Pleased with Final Marton Ranch BLM Decision

Press Release

Date: June 26, 2023

"I thank the state BLM for recognizing the need for additional public comment and analysis. The Wyoming and Casper BLM offices have conducted the necessary work of prioritizing and incorporating public and agency-specific comments into this supplemental analysis. I am not surprised that there were substantial and meaningful comments submitted by the public and state agencies. I am encouraged to see the public interest in participating in the planning processes for the future of this incredible area.

"This land, like the people and businesses reliant on multiple-use and public access of public lands, has tremendous potential. I am confident that any future land exchanges involving the BLM will follow the proper process. Wyoming landowners have the right to make their own decisions about their property, even if it means selling it to the Federal government. However, the Federal government has the responsibility to see the process is fair and transparent"
