CNN Newsroom: Sen. Heidi Campbell (D-TN) Discusses About The Mass Shooting In Nashville And The Victims


Date: March 28, 2023
Issues: Guns


I haven't heard from them and certainly would not want to intrude. They're dealing with the most horrific possible aftermath that I could imagine. So I have not reached out to them. We did hold some vigils in our city last night. And our community has been very supportive. And I know that they know that whenever they want to reach out we're all available.


I could not be more proud of our police force. They did an amazing job and handled this perfectly. And I'll also say one thing that hasn't been discussed is how well they dealt with the aftermath. I was in the church all day yesterday while we were reuniting children with their families, and it's a very difficult thing to do for so many reasons. And they did a beautiful job of making sure that there were counselors available and that the children were being reunited safely with their families and that every child was accounted for.


Let's just be honest about this. We do all these acrobatic maneuvers to try and get around the idea that really inevitably the common denominator here are guns. And we can do all of these things to try and make shootings a little bit safer. But in the final analysis, we've had 367 shootings, school shootings since Columbine happens.

And I don't know what it says about a society, when we're not willing to defend our nine-year-old children from getting gunned down on a regular school day. This is insane. And we need common sense gun reform. And inevitably, listening to some of your guests who think this is about freedom, I would say that we have the freedom to - we should have the freedom to send our kids to school without having to worry about them getting shot. That's the freedom that we need to have in our country.

And I guess it's not going to happen until we vote for individuals who will pass common sense gun reform. And that is the power that we have. The power that we have at this point is in the voting booth, because it's clear that our legislators in Congress are intractable.


Thank you.

