Foxx, Owens, Grothman, Murphy Question Medical School Accreditor Over Race-Driven Standards

Press Release

Date: May 4, 2023
Location: Washington, DC

"Americans are entitled to a healthcare system that is free from racial discrimination. … Medical schools should instill this fundamental precept in our country's future health care professionals. … [W]e write to [seek confirmation of] . . . your commitment to ensuring that medical schools are preparing future health care professionals to provide health care free from racial discrimination."

"In particular, we write regarding Standard 3 and Element 3.3 of your accreditation standards. Standard 3 requires a "medical school [to] ensure[]that its medical education program occurs in professional, respectful, and intellectually stimulating academic and clinical environments, recognizes the benefits of diversity, and promotes students' attainment of competencies required of future physicians.'"
