Daines Wraps Up National Ag Week With Farm Bill Roundtable in Great Falls

Press Release

Date: March 24, 2023

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today hosted a roundtable discussion with Montana ag leaders at Torgerson's LLC in Great Falls, Montana, to get their input on the upcoming farm bill.

"I can't think of a better to way to end National Ag Week than meeting face to face with the Montana ag leaders who dedicate their lives to growing our food, fiber and fuel. Ag Week may only be one week a year, but it recognizes the sacrifice our farmers and ranchers make to feed Montana and the world. Just as farmers rarely get a day off, we need to be fighting for Montana farmers and ranchers all year round. The farm bill is a great opportunity to preserve Montana's rich ag heritage and ensure the voice of Montana ag is heard loud and clear. I"ll be advocating for critical crop insurance, research funding and disaster relief programs as Congress takes up this important bill. I look forward to continuing to work with these local leaders and rolling up my sleeves for Montanans, " Daines said.

Roundtable participants included:

Brion Torgerson -- CEO Torgerson's LLC
Rich Roth -- IX Ranch, North Central Board Member MT Stockgrowers Association
Katelin Standley -- North Central MT Regional Agronomy Manager Anheuser-Busch
Keith Horton -- North American Commercial Manager Sustainable Oils
Steve Sheffels -- Secretary MT Grain Growers Association
