Recognizing National Alcohol Awareness Month

Floor Speech

Date: April 20, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognition of National Alcohol Awareness Month.

This Nation is in the midst of a war for the protection and longevity of our children. We have found ourselves battling epidemics at an unprecedented magnitude, many of which are plaguing our youth: violence, suicide, mental health, and, most notably, substance abuse.

Alcohol use among youth is more prevalent than tobacco or illicit drugs. The dangers of underage drinking are significant, as they can drastically increase the likelihood of alcohol dependency later in life, cause a decline in academic performance, and increase engagement in harmful behaviors such as the use of other drugs and impaired driving.

In addition to the adverse mental health effects, it puts children and young adults in jeopardy of developing health risks that negatively affect the brain, liver, and endocrine system.

We have already lost too many young lives by not taking necessary protective measures. Research shows that a lifetime of conversations between parents and their children can prevent underage drinking. Let's all do our part to protect our children.

