Governor Lamont Statement on the Historic Level of State Funding for UConn in His Budget Proposal


Date: Feb. 15, 2023

Governor Ned Lamont today released the following statement regarding the historic level of state funding for UConn that is included in his budget proposal:

"Our budget proposal includes the largest block grant ever proposed for UConn in state history. I am a strong believer in UConn's contributions to the economic growth of Connecticut, and that is why I've proposed increasing the state block grant funding for the university every year since taking office. Our proposal provides UConn with funding to support wage increases and brings pension and retiree health costs onto the General Fund to enhance their competitiveness in obtaining grant funding.

"The COVID-19 federal relief funds were intended to be one-time in nature, providing support during the public health emergency. Those federal dollars were never intended to pay for ongoing expenses. The UConn administration's insistence that the state continue covering this federal aid now that it is no longer available is not a fiscally sustainable solution.

"I am immensely proud of the accomplishments of our UConn students, faculty, and alumni. UConn must remember they are accountable to the taxpayers of our state and must maintain fiscal controls, like every other part of state government."
