Statement from Governor Healey on the Death of Tyre Nichols


"We face another tragic moment in our country. What we see today will cause tremendous pain, for Tyre Nichols' family, for Memphis, and for Black people forced to relive generational trauma caused by police brutality.

"While true justice would mean Tyre Nichols being here with his loved ones, the swift action taken by the Memphis Police Chief and prosecutors demonstrates the essential accountability and oversight we need and what families deserve.

"What happened in Memphis is a betrayal of our basic humanity. We value the dignity and worth of every member of our Black and Brown communities, every person in Massachusetts.

"Now is a time across this Commonwealth for us to communicate with honesty and understanding, and to show care, empathy and love. We will be guided by our continued conversations with faith leaders and community members, and we will commit to the work we need to do as a nation, and as a state, to address systemic profiling and racism, and protect basic human rights."
