Letter to Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture - Rep. Leger Fernández Reiterates her Request for Additional Federal Funds for Watershed and Flood Protection Following Her Conversation with President Biden

Date: June 14, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

Dear Secretary Vilsack:

I write to follow up on my request to President Biden last week to direct the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to pay the full cost of the Emergency Watershed Protection Program to protect the lives and property of affected landowners and restore the damaged Gallinas Watershed. As you know, the Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire has caused significant damage to Las Vegas' watershed. That damage now poses substantial risk to New Mexican communities. There is a high likelihood in the next three years a catastrophic flood could devastate not only the Gallinas Watershed, but the city of Las Vegas itself. This could happen in one month, next year, or even the next three years in a row.

USDA's Emergency Watershed Protection Program is crucial to the remediation of the Gallinas Watershed and to protect the homes and properties of surrounding communities from flood damage. The program is an important resource to prevent erosion and flooding but requires a 10 percent match. This amount is unreasonable given that the fire has devastated the local economy.

As I informed the President, USDA has the authority to waive the 10 percent cost share under 7 CFR § 624.11. The U.S. Forest Service started the fire that damaged the watershed. It is the federal government's responsibility to take accountability for this damage and assist New Mexican communities to the fullest extent possible in the recovery from this disaster. Further, it is financially unrealistic to expect sponsors in the area to be able to pay a 10 percent cost share.

Further, USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) should assess the requests for assistance from private landowners as quickly as possible. Once approved, USDA should immediately obligate the necessary funds to implement protective measures for landowners. It is imperative that NRCS is able to start work on the ground before the monsoon season begins in New Mexico this July.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to protect New Mexican communities and families from catastrophic floods in the Gallinas Watershed.


Teresa Leger Fernández

Member of Congress
