Lombardo Calls for Improvements to Nevada's Failing Education System

Press Release

Date: Sept. 6, 2022
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Issues: Education

Today, Republican gubernatorial candidate and Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo called for improvements to Nevada's failing education system and laid out policy initiatives he'll prioritize on day one of his administration.

"Las Vegas area schools have been ranked worst in the nation for quality, and our state is ranked 49th in education -- how is this acceptable? Steve Sisolak has refused to lead, ignored the pleas of parents, students, and teachers, and robbed our children of two years of critical education. Our kids have suffered long enough," said Sheriff Joe Lombardo. "I look forward to instituting strong educational accountability measures, involving parents, students, and teachers in the education process, and making Nevada's children and their education a priority again."

Emphasizing his plans to address school violence, Sheriff Lombardo said, "Assembly Bill 168 has been a disaster for our students and teachers. It's disgraceful and it never should have been passed. As soon as I get to Carson City, I will work with the Legislature to immediately repeal the changes made to NRS 392.466 through AB 168."

Sheriff Lombardo outlined his top education priorities, which included ways he would re-prioritize Nevada's education system by:

Working with legislators, parents, students, and educators to create a ten-year education plan with goals, objectives, and accountability measures, so our priorities, funding, and planning are not dependent upon shifts in partisan or ideological makeup in Carson City.

Reversing Sisolak's dangerous school safety policies, including Assembly Bill 168, that mandated violent students can no longer be suspended or expelled from school, which has resulted in a significant increase in harassment, threats, and sexual assaults within Clark County School District.

Restoring funding for Read by Grade 3, a crucial program that was deemed unimportant and, ultimately, was defunded by the Sisolak administration.

Expanding vocational training and workforce development programs, which are an essential part of giving students across the state more educational opportunities and empowering Nevada families.

Preventing social-reform curriculum from being taught in our schools and removing explicit, age-inappropriate books and materials currently being taught in Nevada's classrooms.

Evaluating potential ballot initiatives that would allow for the break-up of the Clark County School District and other school districts that are underperforming and failing Nevada's students. Under the current administration, Nevada has been overrun with dysfunctional bureaucracy. Our school districts need leadership and a future-forward vision that finally addresses a lack of leadership, underperforming and unsafe schools, and a 78% increase in staff vacancies.

Reward our most effective teachers for excellence, innovation, student achievement, parental involvement, and for making a commitment to the long-term improvement of our education system.

Working diligently to fix Nevada's unacceptable teacher shortage by reforming Nevada's licensure requirements to welcome qualified teachers into our state and create an incentive system so new educators come and end up calling Nevada home. Additionally, we cannot expect to retain or recruit the best and brightest teachers if our schools are unsafe, which is why it's essential to reform our school safety policies immediately. It is critical to work with Nevada high schools and colleges to encourage Nevada students to pursue careers in education.

Begin treating teachers with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Investing in educators trained in special needs and mental health education. No Nevada child should be left behind because of a special need. Every student deserves an opportunity to become the best version of themselves.

Ensuring every child has access to the best education possible by providing proper classroom resources and supplies and expanding school choice options, so that a student's zip code no longer determines their future.

Instituting financial accountability measures within our education system, so that parents, students, and taxpayers know that their education dollars are spent as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Holding Nevada's school board members accountable by requiring school board members to have proper qualifications, obtain adequate training, and be required to spearhead community engagement efforts to better listen to the communities they serve.

As opposed to just obtaining a certificate of completion, modernizing Nevada's education system by setting goals for students to develop critical life skills to prepare them to thrive in any facet of the workforce.
