Moolenaar Votes Against Democrats' Unlimited Abortion Bill

Press Release

Date: July 15, 2022

Today, Congressman John Moolenaar voted against a pro-abortion bill led by House Democrats. The Women's Health Protection Act would allow an unborn child to be aborted up until the moment of birth, including partial-birth abortion.

"Every child is a precious gift and has the right to life. We must protect these innocent children who are unable to protect themselves, and this extreme legislation would allow for abortion up until birth," said Moolenaar. "I will always defend the right to life and fight against Democrats' efforts to provide unlimited abortion. Earlier this week, I cosponsored legislation to help expecting mothers, and I will continue to support pregnancy resource centers that provide mothers and children with vital assistance."

Earlier this week, Moolenaar took action to support mothers and their children by cosponsoring the Unborn Child Support Act and the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act.
