Gov. Ricketts Signs Bill to Spur Growth in Nebraska's Urban Communities

Press Release

Date: April 28, 2022

Today, Governor Pete Ricketts, State Senators, and community leaders celebrated LB 1024e, a bill to support recovery and growth in North Omaha, South Omaha, and other qualifying census tracts.

"LB 1024e is landmark legislation to revitalize North and South Omaha," said Gov. Ricketts. "The economic recovery grants will support job training, spur small business growth, and add to affordable housing inventories. This session, the Legislature has demonstrated its full commitment to the growth of our urban communities."

In his remarks, Gov. Ricketts thanked State Senators for uniting to enact the historic investment. In total, the bill commits $489 million to support communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Of this amount, $336 million is allocated to metro Omaha--with particular focus on growth in North Omaha and South Omaha.

LB 1024e devotes funds for a variety of purposes. These include:

Multipurpose economic recovery grants to revitalize neighborhoods, support business growth, improve infrastructure, provide job training, and strengthen educational opportunities
Land development
Construction of high-quality, affordable homes
Financial literacy training
Crime prevention

LB 1024e was introduced by Senator Justin Wayne and prioritized by the Legislature's Urban Affairs Committee. It passed with overwhelming support on a vote of 45-1.
