Congressman Schiff on House Passage of Assault Weapons Ban Act


Date: July 29, 2022
Issues: Guns

"From Uvalde to Newtown, Orlando to Buffalo, assault weapons with high-capacity magazines have been used to carry out some of the most horrific shootings in our history. These weapons of war are the favored firearms of mass shooters for a reason: They're designed to injure and kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. They have no place on our streets. Today, House Democrats took necessary action to break the continual cycle of trauma, violence, and bloodshed that's plagued our country for far too long. The Assault Weapons Ban Act will save countless lives and make our communities safer for families and children who want to live in peace -- not in constant fear that they or their loved ones may be next. We have the power to end the scourge of gun violence once and for all, it merely demands the courage to place people over politics. House Democrats have proven we have the strength to do what's right. Now, it's time for the Senate to show the same determination -- our communities are counting on us."
