Small Business Committee Republicans: The SBA Should Stay Out of Elections and Focus on our Small Businesses

Press Release

Date: April 4, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

Ranking Member Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) and all Republican Members of the Small Business Committee issued the following joint statement on the Small Business Administration's request to become a designated voter agency:

"For years, the Democrats have tried to inch further and further to federalize our elections. Their actions have not only encroached on states' rights but also our Constitution. One of the more recent attempts from the left was from the SBA showing interest in becoming a designated voter agency. This is an alarming move. The SBA already struggles to effectively execute its core function of supporting America's small businesses and should not have a role or function in our elections. SBA Administrator Guzman and her agency should be focusing on helping our primary job creators with issues such as inflation, supply chain, and a labor shortage - not meddling in elections."
