Rep. Nehls to Buttigieg: "Have You Spoken With Any Other Cabinet Members About Implementing the 25th Amendment?"

Press Release

Date: July 21, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Troy E. Nehls (R-TX-22) questioned United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg at a House Transportation Committee Hearing regarding President Joe Biden's current mental state.

Rep. Nehls: "Have you spoken with any other cabinet members about implementing the 25th Amendment on President Biden?"

Sec. Buttigieg: "First of all, I'm glad to have a President who can ride a bicycle…"

Rep. Nehls: "Answer the question."

Rep. Nehls simply questioned whether the Secretary had spoken with any other cabinet members or political appointees about implementing the 25th Amendment, which would be invoked if the President were unfit for office.

"You [Buttigieg] yourself questioned Donald Trump's mental state of mind in September of 2019 when you stated to CNN I quote, "If our Presidency is not in good shape, then our country is not in good shape.' And Mr. Secretary, I could not agree with you more," said Rep. Nehls. "Inflation is at 9.1 percent, gas prices are through the roof, our adversaries are exploiting our weaknesses across the globe, and our southern border is non-existent. This administration puts the American people last."

Rep. Nehls was not allowed to finish his questioning, even though Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) attempted to yield one minute of his time.

"Sadly, he [Biden] shakes hands with ghosts and imaginary people, he falls off bicycles, even at the White House Easter Celebration, the Easter bunny had to guide him back into his safe place," said Rep. Nehls. "Cue cards say, "sit here' or "end of speech,' which he actually states, that is, if he stays awake."
