Administrative Order No. 337

Executive Order

Date: June 28, 2022
Location: Anchorage, Alaska
Issues: Infrastructure

I, Mike Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of Article III, Sections 1 and 24, Constitution of the Alaska, and AS 44.19.145(c), hereby revoke Administrative Order 316, and issue Administrative Order 337 to continue and extend the Governor's Advisory Board on Roads and Highways (Board).

The Legislature established the Aviation Advisory Board (AS 44.42200) and the Marine Transportation Advisory Board (AS 19 .65 .110) to advise the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities on public policy related to aviation functions assigned by law, and to consider and report on matters related to the Alaska Marine Highway. Administrative Order 287 created the Governor's Advisory Board on Roads and Highways, with a sunset date of June 1, 2020. Administrative Order 316 continued the Board and extended the sunset date of the Board to June 30, 2022. AO 337 continues the Board and extends the sunset to June 30, 2025. There are no other changes to the content, and all currently appointed seats will remain in service.

The purpose of the Board is to provide recommendations to the Governor and the Commissioner of Transportation and Public Facilities on public policy related to the Department's powers and duties with respect to State highway functions as requested by the Governor. The Board's areas of focus include:

* highway construction -- impacts, methods, efficiencies, and related matters;
* equipment use -- construction, maintenance, operations, and related matters;
* deferred maintenance -- coordination, process improvement, public outreach, and related matters;
* capital spending -- coordination, process improvement, public outreach, and related matters;
* identification of other critical needs in the State's road and highway transportation infrastructure.

The Board consists of seven public members who are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Governor. Public seats are not specifically assigned, but, to the extent possible, public members should be seated to provide geographic diversity and attempt to represent as many of the following constituencies as practicable:

1. the commercial trucking industry,
2. the highway related travel or tourism industry;
3. the heavy construction industry;
4. municipal planning organizations or road service areas;
5. urban areas;
6. rural or tribal areas; and
7. other constituencies the Governor deems appropriate.

This Administrative Order does not affect the Board composition or change any of the seated members. The Board elects a chair from within its membership and each seat shall continue with currently seated membership.

A nonvoting representative of the Department will be assigned to this Board by the Commissioner of the Department to provide background and technical support.

Meetings of the Board must comply with AS 44.62.310 -- 44.62.319 (Open Meetings Act). The Board also may hold public hearings and request information from the public and other interested persons necessary to carry out its advisory functions. All records of the Board are subject to AS 40.25.100 -- 40.25.295 (Alaska Public Records Act).

The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities shall provide administrative support to the Board.

The Board may set operating procedures as bylaws and establish workgroups as it considers appropriate. A majority of appointed members of the Board constitutes a quorum for conducting business.
The Board shall hold meetings quarterly, at the call of the chair, or at the call of three members. Meetings of the Board or Board committees may be held telephonically or by video conference.
Members of the Board do not receive compensation for their services on the Board, but are entitled to per diem and travel expenses authorized for State boards and commissions under AS 39.20.180. Every effort shall be made to use video and telephone conferencing to the maximum extent possible to minimize travel expenses.

This Order does not limit or modify any existing statutory of regulatory authority of any State agency; nor does it affect any third-party rights or obligations. This Order does not affect laws or policies on federal funding for State transportation projects.

In this Order:

1. "Department" means the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities;
2. "roads and highways" means State highways, but does not include any roads or highways within the boundaries of a rural or international airport or any part of the Alaska Marine Highway System.

The Governor's Advisory Board on Roads and Highways expires on June 30, 2025.


This Order takes effect immediately. Dated this 28th day of June, 2022.
