An Important Message from Senator Risch and Governor Otter

Press Release

Date: May 17, 2022
Issues: Elections

We want to take a brief moment and encourage you to support Mike Simpson in tomorrow's important May 17th Primary Election. We have known, and worked closely with, Mike for many years and can attest to his dedication and commitment to serving the people of Idaho. He has always fought for the issues and conservative values that matter to Idahoans. Mike is a man of conviction and a passionate public servant who won't back down; he exhibits these characteristics with every issue that arises in Washington, D.C.

A lifelong Idahoan, Mike provides the kind of conservative leadership Idaho needs to ensure our Idaho values and western way of life are fought for in Congress. He is a tried-and-true principled leader who has stood up to Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the far-left agenda to deliver on conservative results in Idaho and the country on important issues.

That has meant fighting for our 2nd Amendment Rights, earning an A rating and endorsement from the National Rifle Association, and standing up for the rights of law-abiding citizens.

That has meant, as ranking member and former chairman of the subcommittee that controls EPA, fighting against the kinds of absurd environmental regulations that harm our economy and cutting the Agency's budget to 1978 levels.

That has meant delisting wolves, keeping sage grouse off the endangered species list, blocking the Obama Administration's Waters of The U.S. rule and proposed closure of the Dubois Sheep Station, stopping Democrat attempts to pass a death tax that would make it impossible for families to pass on their farms to the next generation, and fighting onerous restrictions on farmers, ranchers, and public land users.

That has meant voting for President Trump's agenda in Congress and standing up to the radical liberals both times they tried to impeach him, signing on as an original co-sponsor to the Balanced Budget Amendment, and standing up to Democrats' spending agenda that would raise your taxes and turn America into a socialist country.

We know this election is important to you. That is why we would like to ask you to support Mike tomorrow, May 17th, to ensure he is re-elected and continues to serve Idaho's 2nd Congressional District. Thank you for your consideration. We appreciate your continuous support and vote for Mike.

Jim Risch C.L. "Butch" Otter

United States Senator Former Governor
