Bilirakis Applauds Historic SCOTUS Decision to Uphold Sanctity of Life

Press Release

Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Gus Bilirakis, an unwavering pro-life lawmaker, applauded today's historic decision by the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Since the 1973 decision, more than 60 million unborn children have lost their lives to abortion. During that time, medical advances have also made remarkable strides and offer new insight into the stages of human development. For example, as early as five weeks, unborn babies have a heartbeat. By week ten, babies have arms and legs, fingers, and toes. At week 15, science has proven that babies respond to painful stimuli. And, due to advances in technology, an unborn child is now viable outside the womb at 22 weeks or earlier.

"For far too long, federal abortion laws have been stuck in the past," said Bilirakis. "With current scientific knowledge on the stages of human development, there can be no more excuses. Our laws must reflect these realities and be realigned to protect the unborn. With today's ruling, SCOTUS has rightfully empowered states in this matter while realigning federal abortion policies with science. Despite the political push on the left and the fearmongering in the media, most Americans believe the concept of on-demand abortions available at any stage of pregnancy to be morally repugnant. The majority also do not want to see their tax dollars used to fund abortions. Yet, Democrats continue to push these radical, anti-life priorities. Democrats, not Republicans, are out of touch on this important issue. I agree with the majority of Americans who believe in empowering mothers and supporting the birth of healthy babies while offering viable options through pregnancy care centers and adoption agencies. As we embrace a culture of life, we recommit ourselves to protecting the most vulnerable among us."

Bilirakis also wants to ensure law and order throughout the nation in the wake of today's ruling. He has been vocal about his outrage that Speaker Pelosi and Congressional Democrats delayed passage of a bill to increase security protections for Supreme Court Justices, of the Department of Justice's lax response to incidents of violence against pro-life groups and threats of future violence. Earlier this week, Bilirakis and his colleagues sent a letter to the Department of Justice demanding a full investigation and enhanced protections for pro-life groups.
